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What's New as of June 2nd, 2008
Greetings, once again!

2008 has been a very active year for the Fowlkes family, as if things didn't start picking up in late 2007...

My big news is being elected as a Pledged DNC Delegate to the Democratic National Committee Convention, which will be held August 25th - 29th, 2008, in Denver, Colorado. You can visit here for more details. On the floor of the convention, I will be sending live photos back real-time through Flickr, sharing the experience with those that helped get me elected as well as those that are into that sort of thing. It will be a truly historic moment, and am very honored and humbled by being elected by the voters of the 11th Congressional District of Georgia to represent them at the Convention. It takes money, however, to go, so please hop on over to my Contribute page to help me make it to Denver. More news to come on the Convention later...

My daughter, Hillari, has just gradiated valedictorian of her senior class at Home School University in Canton, Georiga. She will be attending Kennesaw State University in the fall, startng classes August 15th. She will be majoring in Biology, and is looking forward at Emory and John Hopkins for future schooling opportunities.

My son, Zac, has wrapped up his fifth year of soccer, and is excited about being out of school for the summer. He will be entering second grade at Kennesaw Charter Shcool in the fall. Over the summer, he has a couple of camps he will be attending, but for the most part will be enjoying the summer off from school. Football season with the Blackwell Bears will kick off with a camp in late July, where Zac will be playing his third year of full contact football.

Visit our Multimedia gallery for photos of the family's professional theatrical performances, outdoor adventures, or just some personal times. Summertime is here, and we plan to do a lot more outdoor exploration this summer and fall.

As you can see, this is just the tip of the iceberg for 2008 for the Fowlkes family. Stay tuned as we bring you more insight and more photos and writings from journal of life.

Will Fowlkes, Pledged DNC Delegate
11th Congressional District, Georgia

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